General Description of the NCSU Cadence Design Kit (CDK)

Take a look at the NCSU Cadence Web Site!

The NCSU CDK focuses on providing the means to do full-custom IC design through MOSIS, including schematic entry, Verilog digital simulation, analog circuit simulation, layout DRC checking and device extraction, and mask generation. It supports 4.4 and is not backward compatible with 4.3.x. All SKILL code is available as source in a fairly-well organized fashion.

The tools used in the kit are Virtuoso, Composer, Analog Artist, DLE and Diva.

What it is...

In particular, the kit features:

and what it doesn't...

A few big things that we don't do (yet):
Contents of the NCSU "local" Cadence directory.

(Not all these files/directories are included in the NCSU CDK.)

(This section is not entirely up-to-date.)

doc                     Current documentation. Look here first! The best
                        place for users to start is
                        local/doc/cdsuser/GettingStarted.html. Admins
                        should look at local/doc/cdsmgr/index.html.

NCSU_Setup              Documentation of the entire local directory.
                        This document is deprecated. Please look in
                        local/doc for current documentation.

NCSU_CDK_Version        Current version of the CDK.

Notes                   Docs on tool usage.

cdssetup                Standard setup files.

class_locker_setup      Notes/files for setting up class lockers.

techfile                The NCSU technology files.

pipo                    Layermaps for CIF/GDSII import/export.

cmosx                   The complete cmosx standard cell library.

lib                     local dfII libraries (NCSU_*).

models                  Spectre/HSPICE transistor models.

skill                   Locally generated routines.

menus                   Menu customizations.

hnl                     Customization for the hierarchial netlister and
si                      simulation interface. See the Open Simulation 
                        System (OSS) manual. 

Todo                    Ongoing work on the Cadence setup.

The NCSU CDK is (c) NC State University, 1998, 1999. Users are free to use or modify the NCSU CDK as appropriate as long as this notice appears in it. You are also advised that you use the NCSU CDK at your own risk. By using the NCSU CDK, you assume all liability for any resulting errors and problems.